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Community comment letters to Town of Concord Zoning Board of Appeals on 48Y Fitchburg Turnpike

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

Town of Concord residents have sent multiple letters to the Town of Concord Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) on the proposed 48Y Fitchburg Turnpike (Rookery Lane) development. Concerns focus on wastewater runoff to the White Pond watershed, building height, tree removal and displacement of wildlife.

Letters of note:

The Town Protected Resource Interests

Elevations of Home Septics and Concord Fresh Water Supply

More Factual Data and Detail Needed

A Wastewater Treatment System Option

WPAC sees no reason to have a septic system disposing untreated waste when the developer has installed a modern wastewater system nearby. Both properties were acquired by the developer in a single consolidated purchase which is very close to the proposed Rookery Lane Development. Additionally, WPAC believes that it is necessary and requests that additional essential data is needed before Concord can render a decision on the application.

We, the undersigned citizens of Concord, are greatly concerned about the impact the proposed development at 48Y Fitchburg Turnpike would have on our community. After careful review of the applicant’s documents, we have real concerns about the impact this project would have on the open space, the local wildlife, and the wetlands ecosystem. ! We believe this project, as proposed, will also be a detriment to the visual qualities of the neighborhood as delineated in Concord Bylaws ZBA 10.1 PURPOSE: “In a PRD dwelling units should be .... harmonious with neighborhood development and will not detract from the ecological and visual qualities of the area. The overall site design...should enhance the quality of living for the residents..., the immediate neighborhood, and the town generally.”

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