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Concord Select Board on White Pond Task Force

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

Town of Concord White Pond Task Force Charge - Draft October 3, 2022

Recent, substantial changes to the White Pond watershed call for a focused, short-term, practical approach toward the protection of the watershed. The purpose of the task force is:

  • To recommend a prioritized list of activities to undertake to protect the pond and the watershed,

  • To determine roles and responsibilities of interested parties relative to these priorities, and

  • To recommend the future role of the White Pond Advisory Committee.

Responsibilities of the Task Force

  • Solicit input from residents both within and beyond the White Pond watershed via the use of surveys, hearings, forums, etc. to gauge the priorities of town residents regarding the protection of White Pond.

  • Focus on areas outlined in the White Pond Vision 2021 document (people management, stormwater management and wastewater management) and those discovered during input sessions.

  • Consult with town staff to understand what is involved to accomplish a given priority.

  • Develop a prioritized list of activities with estimated timetables.

  • Define roles and responsibilities among the Town of Concord, the Commonwealth of Mass., abutters and residents of the White Pond neighborhoods as they relate to protection of the pond and the watershed.

  • Identify overlaps of responsibilities, gaps in responsibility and explore how other entities, e.g., Homeowners’ Association, could potentially fill these gaps.

  • Consult sources of information such as town bylaws, administrative policies and procedures, state statutes, precedents and cases pending in the courts.

  • Look for and evaluate potential funding sources.

Deliverables Submit a written report to the Select Board no later than December, 2023 that recommends a prioritized list of activities for the protection of the watershed, articulates and delineates roles and responsibilities among interested parties and makes recommendations regarding the future role of the WPAC. Membership The task force will be composed of five Concord residents to be appointed by the Select Board. Each member will serve until the task force completes its work and submits a written report to the Select Board. When staffing the task force, preference will be given to people with legal (environmental) skills, limnologists, aquatic biologist and others with expertise in the protection of inland bodies of water. At least one member of the task force should reside outside the White Pond watershed. The task force will determine frequency of meeting and will be led by a chair, or two co-chairs, elected by the members. Other Considerations The task force will conduct its business in full conformance with the Open Meeting Law, Public Records Law, Conflict of Interest Law and other state and local rules encouraging openness and transparency in governance. The task force chair will consult with the Town Manager to discuss the need for staff or financial support for task force activities.

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