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Toxic algae blooms reported on White Ave side of White Pond, July 10, 2023 - updated

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

This post was updated on July 14, 2023 to include the Town of Concord's water sample report that showed pond water safe for all recreational activities. The Town report is below.

White Pond Water Quality Monitoring Update, July 13, 2023

CURRENT WATER USE STATUS: Safe for All Recreational Uses


White Pond water was very clear on Tuesday, July 11, 2023. Small bloom accumulations have been observed by residents along the shore on the White Ave side of the pond as well as inside the A-Pod Traps.

Water testing for E. coli on Tuesday was 8 CFU/100 ml of E. coli bacteria. This is in accordance with the State Bathing Beach Regulation 105 CMR 445. There was some presence of Microcytosis in the water with the highest concentrations observed near the Town Beach. Samples were sent out to the Barnstable County Health Department water quality lab for actual toxin analysis and the samples came out undetectable for actual toxin levels. The test strips used by the Barnstable lab are linked below. A full report from the lab will be posted on the web site when it is finalized.

The pond has been deemed safe for all recreational uses.

Cyanobacteria Sampling and Bloom Status

Water samples taken July 11, 2023 continued to contain pollen, however the water was generally clear. The water was very warm with the surface measuring 80F. Samples taken all three sites contained mostly Microcystis.

Microcystin toxin levels at White Pond this week are estimated to be low in the entire pond.

Water samples will be taken next week as the current growth rate shows that a small bloom is trying to grow. The next sampling date will be July 18, 2023. Residents are encouraged to report a bloom on our report a Bloom link if any changes in water quality or a suspect bloom is observed.

A-Pod HAB Trap update

1. Last Wednesday the 5th, Higgins environmental completed the monthly Walden and White Pond vertical sonde and secchi disc water quality assessment. White Pond has better water clarity than Walden and similar cyanobacteria concentrations (low PC concentrations but both ponds had an increasing PC trend with depth).

2. The A-Pod trap contents were removed and dried out from July 24 pounds. This included a mix of pollen and heavy rain-wash in (bits of pine sap, little flowers/cones, twigs, pine needles.

3. Over the weekend, Higgins environmental received an email with photos of an reported small bloom over near White Ave. One of the two photos looked to include some blue-green material, assumed cyanobacteria.

4. Yesterday, July 11th, we had a small accumulation of cyanoHABs within and continuing to enter the main A-Pod trap. Too small of a bloom for me to even sample...a "baby bloom". Jon Higgins was able to document visual observations of cloudy water and a tiny bit of cyanoHAB like scum in the trap with the sonde measurements for PC.

5. Water clarity at White Pond is excellent for July, the rain helps but not as much as people may think - it also washes in a lot of fine silt which can cloud the water.

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